Immersion french lessons

To come to Burgundy by TGV from Paris (Gare de Lyon) : only 1 hour and 15 minutes (directly) from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle.

About your teacher, Maryse

I have worked for the last 20 years with foreign students as a FLE teacher (French as Foreign Language) and taught in various places in France and abroad : French Cultural centers, HEC, business school in Helsinki, Finland, in Tokyo, Japan, etc. I started the home stay programmes in 1994 and still enjoy greatly meeting people from all walks of life.

professeur souriante

Semiprivate lessons in complete immersion at your teacher’s home in Burgundy, an hour away from Paris.

Lesson Course include :

French lessons: 22 h 30/week
Home stay and meals
Guided tour of Burgundy : twice a week
1, 2 or 3 weeks sessions available

The Courses :

The 3 weeks session will help you make spectacular progress and experience firsthand French lifestyle and culture. A unique learning experience indeed !
The one week session is aimed at improving a grammatical point or to prepare for a test or an entrance examination. 

intérieur couvent
Optional courses : see my blog

Home stays available all year round and suitable for students of any age and level.

Learning French with Maryse will ensure that you make tremendous progress within a short period of time. Speaking french and only french will help you to acquire an authentic accent, develop your self-confidence and enjoy a real fluency in the language. The course is designed to meet your own needs, at your own pace in a very small group (1 or 2 students, same level). The mornings are dedicated to the 4-hour class (22 hours 30 per week) and your local guide, Maryse, will take you on excursions twice a week in the afternoon.

pont et tour mediévale

The house :

 You will live in is an ancient nunnery with a big garden where we can sit and relax and even study if you wish and if the weather allows it. You have your own room, access to the Internet, two meals a day.

Semur-en-Auxois a 12th-century town, is nested in a green valley and is an hour by TGV from Paris and 75 minutes from Charles de Gaulle Airport. A weekend will be offered to you in Paris (Bed and Breakfast) near the Louvre Museum within your three-week stay. You will meet my friends and family providing thus the opportunity to put into practice what you have learnt in informal and real-life situations.

The teacher’s blog

Feel free to consult the teacher’s blog regularly to get to know me and discover the new articles.

citation en anglais